Lose weight.
In 5 steps.

As a Weight Loss Wizard I help you maximize the benefits of a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting through advanced models. 

My customized approach allows you to lose weight without being hungry, tired, unfocussed or yo-yo back.

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Step 1

In order to understand where to start, I believe it is key to understand where to start – from.

We will gather various data points on both your physical and your mental state with the latest technology and coaching tools.

This will allow me to create a customized approach, us to measure your progress and you to make more impact.


Step 2

I believe it’s one of the most common traps to jump into action-mode, without a deeper understanding of underlying issues.

Therefore, we will start to pave the road, prepare the car, stack up supplies and get clear on the destination before we start to drive.

This ensures the chance for emergency stops is low, we are prepared if we hit a pothole and are able to drive faster towards a clearer goal.

weight loss preparation

Step 3

Diets are almost synonymous to the yo-yo effect and a broken metabolism. The reason: poor preparation and outdated knowledge.

To avoid this we will learn your body to get into ketosis, where you learn to use fat for energy. Moreover, we will modify your macro balance to make sure your metabolism is on fire. 

This requires a delicate balance and proper guidance. However, it allows you to lose weight faster, healthier and structurally in the next step.

weight loss

Step 4

After the needed mental and physical preparation we unleash the power of the HPC Weight Loss Model ©.

This will be the cornerstone of our weight loss journey and combines the latest science, advanced models, your personal preferences and actual progress to give you detailed recommendations on a weekly basis.

The model is founded on the basis of a ketogenic diet, the right protein balance and (optional) intermittent fasting. 

Contrary to what you might expect given the results we achieve is that clients always underline how easy the program is to maintain. Progress takes time and dedication, however, with the right approach it doesn’t require being hungry, grumpy, tired or unfocused. 


Step 5

After the more controlled weight loss phase we will gradually let your body get used to a different dietary composition.

We will establish long-term habits that fit a balanced lifestyle that you – and likely your loved ones – will be happy to maintain for the rest of your life.

Moreover, we will reflect on what we have achieved and we will make it visible in numbers.

Also ready to make that change?

Pick a time-slot and schedule a free (voice or video) call. If we feel that we have the right ‘click’ we’ll make a plan to get started. If not, we shake (virtual) hands and part ways.

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Customized Weight Loss Timeline

Get your HPC Weight Loss Timeline & 5-step Action Plan to understand where you stand, where you want to go & how to get there. 

Fully customized to you.