
Associate Certified Coach accreditation

My Associate Certified Coach (ACC) accreditation by the International Coach Federation (ICF) is in!
Reading time: 1 minute

🎉 Proud to have fulfilled all requirements and passed the exams to become accredited as Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with the (dare I say it) most acknowledged coaching institute of the world, the International Coach Federation (ICF).

🙏🏻 Mostly though, I’m grateful for the lessons I’ve learned that allow me to better guide my clients to find the solutions they need. A very special thanks to my mentor coach Valerie Jennings, my mentor group, my clients, the Human Potential Institute and ICF to make this possible.

😜 Bonus: now you know my middle names, so feel free to tease me

Roderick de Leeuw

Weight Loss Wizard

I am an experienced Weight Loss Coach who helps busy people lose weight in a smarter way. I combine 1-on-1 coaching, the latest science and a data-driven approach to create custom programs that give long-term results – without the need to be hungry or do crazy workouts.

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